Montag, 10. September 2012

The days after....

Almost 2 months passed by since I arrived back home 
in Germany. The first weeks were weird.I felt like a 
stranger. So many tall ppl (both horizontal and vertical).
 And I understand almost everything they say. 
Weird. Still feel sometimes alike.

Still back in Taiwan, a women working at our International
Office, asked me to write an article about my experiences 
abroad in Taiwan and in general. This weekend it 
was finally published. Its an excerpt out of a series of
articles of students from Augsburg studying far far 
away or at interesting places. It in German though. 

Last last week, some friends visited me in Germany.
The schedule was pretty though. Munich-Neuschwanstein-
Zugspitze-Munich. We had a great lack of sleep during
these days. Anyways It was a nice and interesting trip. I 
managed to see lots of spots in Germany I have never traveled
before. So it was interesting for me as well.

This is the second day at Schloss Neuschwanstein.
Its the Alpsee. You can walk around it or take a boat.
It is allowed to swim there as well.

The yellow one is Schloss Hohenschwangau. Which we 
did not visit cause we all thought its quite ugly looking.
This is were I dropped my camera. So the objective broke,
but in a weird way so that I can still use the camera and 
it works perfectly. Strange shit.

Row row row your boat gently down the stream ...
well what we did with boat was far away of using
it the right way. We kind of raped the boat. Anyway
we did not fall. And arrived back in time. 

We had to wait around 3-4 hours for our tour. 
And arrived to late. The tickets say that there is 
no refund. Oh oh. We just payed 11 Euro. ( Student-discount)
But still. In the end we managed to enter with another group.
He he. 

So  actually you climb a lot of stairs. And walk from one
room to another room. Then a voice is telling you some stuff.
And then after 15 min it is finished and you end up in
a souvenir - shop- mile. Hm i don't know what to think of the
castle. In my opinion it looks more like a jail from the outside.
And it so new. I expected it to be way older. But how to 
say the area around the two castles is pretty nice and
definitely  worth a one day trip. And its not even so expensive.

Alplake next to it.

Pointing at Hohenschwangau

The castle was under construction this time. 
But from this side there was almost no construction
stuff visible. 

The so called "pool"

On the 3 hs something train ride back home to Augsburg,
we suddenly meet two asian looking girls, one from Taiwan,
one from China. We talked a little and found out that, one
of the girls studied at Yuan Ze as well, and know lots of ppl
I know. The world is truly so small. 

3 Day Zuspitze or how my taiwanese friends called
Zugspeis. Ha ha. To funny. Zugspitze is around 2,30 hs
away from Munich, by train. You can reach the Mountaintop
by hiking, or you take the more comfortable alternative...
the cable-car or the mountain-rail.  We took an all around
ticket for 45€ which allows you to take every device to the
top and the valley. I personally expected it to be a lot higher.
It is actually not even 3000 meters high :( 

The roof of germany. 

Over there is Innsbruck(Austria)

Thats supposed to be the glacier. ???? Well I cant 
see almost no snow. 

We wanted to climb up to the top 
but have a beer first. After we finished the
beer, our waitress told us that we have to
hurry up otherwise we miss the last train.
Nice. Fail!!!!

The is the "leftover" of the glacier. Anyway it is a 
70 meter deep layer of ice. So still enough there.  

The whole group. 

Yeah the first time I did not pay attention to it. 
Than on the other side I asked my self. Hell it looks a lot different
here than there. Is it possible that this is austria actually? 
Well it is.  And it is allowed to smoke in the restaurants 
there. :)

Dunno what happend to my Russn Halbe. Weird Shit!

Last day exploring Munich once again.
We went to the Architecture Museum.
Which is a little bit boring cause the do not 
really expose architecture more art itself.

Anka was our tour-guide.

Geb. Asam Kirche.

Finally after a long week of walking and all in all  around 
20 hrs of train-rides we went to a bar close to the Munich 
main station. I made them try every kind of beer that
was worth trying. Schneider, Gutmann, Augustiner,
Tegernseeer, ..... Guess I never drank that much Weizen
beer before than in that week. 

We had a great time and I was really happy to meet all
of you again, or for the first time. See you again in 

1 Kommentar:

  1. hi, looks like you went to the pinakothek der moderne, they have some architecture stuff but mostly modern art, but then it is not an architecture museum. smiles from someone living in munich
