Sonntag, 28. August 2011

First days....

So now, after a 15. hours flight( divided into two flights, Munich=Beijing(9hs)|Stop at Beijing(2hs)|Bejing=Taipeh(Taoyuan airport) 3 1/2 hs), I arrived at my new hometown Jhongli. I have to say that I am not so sure, wether the city  is Jhongli, Neili, or Taoyuan. So the address is Jhongli. But thats not so improtant. The first flight was ok. It was a really luxurious airplane, though it was very tight. But there were Tv Screens in every seat, with lots of films offered. so, because I had so much time , i watched 3 movies. First one was "Kampf der Titanen"(Clash of the Titans), second was "Meine erfundene Frau"(Just go with it), third was The Hangover.

Short Cinema review:

1. Just go with it:    Really funny
2.The hangover:     Funny as well, but a little over the top
3.Clash of Titans:    Boring story+actors, nice effects

So this is how the first Air China Airplane looked like( with a nice printing on it)

Btw the stewardesses of Singapore airlines were the most beautiful ones i have ever seen before. Looked all like Topmodels, and the wore traditional cloths. Nice

So I was not really bored during thw flight because, we got two times meal( a lot of stuff)
and there was a austrian guy sitting next to me, who was going to visit his girlfriend in Shanghai. And I asked him a lot about China and so on.

The second flight was also with Air China but, now that is was a "regional flight" the plane was not so luxurious. And I got really sick of all of the ups and downs. So I am sick right now as well :( Not so cool.

Airplane from Beijing to Taipeh

The funny thing about landing in Beijing was that the whole Airport was covered fog. And we  were rolling 15. minutes on the landing strip because the tower was not able to localize us. Ha ha . I even could not see the right wing of the airplane, although I was sitting right next to it. Kind of dangerous isn´t it?

The first thing I noticed about Bejing was ( besides of the fog) that it is really, really big and the smell is kind of different. It was as hot as in germany 31° but there is a lot more moisture in the air. Like a wall you are walking against.

On the arrival at the airport, there were a lot of photographers waiting for some guys to check out. I guess they were some football players from somewhere.  So I was walking right behind them and I guess some of the photographer thought I belong to them. So I got shot once or twice :) Funny isnt it.

At the Visa check in they asked for my cell phone number and of course my address . Ähh sorry I am just moving in to town I have neither . :)
So on the way to my dorm the taxi driver informed me that there is going to be a Taifun the next days. At the dorm my tutor was waiting for me, his name is Thomas :)  a common taiwanese name :) But he left early. My roommates name was Dallas by the way. Also a common taiwanese name :) Not! So as I heard there was another germany guy in this room and also from Augsburg, but he was traveling around until Monday so we haven ´t meet. I don´t want to tell you anything further about the students dorm. Its not that cool.
So I could not sleep until 3 am. So I was awake for about 32 hours. Holy sh*t.  So  FINALLY I fell asleep and woke up at 2pm. And I make up 4pm to talk to my parents via Skype.
By the way the Taifun finally arrived. Check this out =>

<= So this building you see is the boys dormitory, the girls is on the opposite. It looks quite good from the outside but ... And  I took this foto to show you the Taifun. Now it drips a little but the locals told me that it can be really hard. Lets see. So I wanted to take some photos of the campus but I ´ll take some if the sun is shining again.

So my experiences with the locals are quite good. There all nice but really really shy. All of them look at me, and as soon as I look back the look somewhere else. Some do speak english really good but the most don´t. But thats probably because University has not started already. And there just kids around. The other ones will come at the of september.  So I managed to get an apartment a really really nice building. So I moved in a hour ago. It is the called " Rich People (yuan ze dà fù wong)" So guess I am rich now? Not! But it looks really cool. And there is a gym( which, everybody knows I need most ;) ha ha), a pool billiard room, a reading room, portier service and so on. I am going to take some pictures tomorrow. 

Now I  finally managed to get something to eat. But I feel sick again. So I guess I should not eat too much. I am at the local Mos Burger I finally made it. My first Mos Burger Rice Burger. And it was delicious. But I think I had to pay the price for foreigners because there were so many things on the check I could not assign. :( 

While sitting here and, writing this I noticed that the Magsafe lamp is not shining. Thats a bad sing. I hope it is not broke again. I had to by a new one about two month ago. It cant be. I am praying to god!!!! It cannot happen again. Maybe the socket isn´t working any more. So I am freaking out now. F*** No please not again! 
I hope it is just the voltage adapter. Please god let it be the adapter. 

3 Kommentare:

  1. Schön dass du gut angekommen bist! Der post war ganz lustig ^^ bist du also nochmal umgezogen oder wie? hab das ned ganz verstanden.
    freu mich schon auf weitere posts!^A^

  2. Echt Abenteuerlich :D Reis-Burger klingt klasse *_*

  3. Ich bin umgezogen ja :) Werd sobald es ordentlich ist Fotos schießen.
