Montag, 29. August 2011

Comdirect! Holy crap!!!!!!!

I guess the title does not explain the whole situation. All I can say I am so angry with comdirect that I could explode. They told me that I have a daily limit. So I was taking the "limit" yesterday to pay my apartment. And today I was looking for an adapter and payed it. Afterwards I could not take off any money. :( Whats is going on. With my last 50 $ I bought a coffee to get free wifi to talk to my parents. So they called Comdirect to ask what the hell is going on. And now, ... the funny part begins.

The locked my account because it was my mother talking on the phone and she is nor Andreas Williger, right?????? Can you believe that??? Its insane. So thanks for nothing again. It was 3 pm and I didn't eat anything so far,  since Mosburger yesterday. Although I still feel sick right now. Then after calling Comdirect from  the International office.( I was on phone for nearly half an hour) the ******* told me: I am sorry but you have to sent us a letter with your signature, proofing that it is you,... and some other stuff. Do you know how long it takes a letter to arrive from Asia to Germany? If I am lucky at Christmas. But he said that I can take off money with my Maestro card as well.... Nothing!!! :( Idiots !!!! I am never gonna use Comdirect as bank again. Hopefully I meet Jason who knew the other german guy I "shared" a room with. He called him and he borrowed me some money. Look how far it has come. ( Thank you by the way. Thank you so much!:) I heard that one of the other germans had the same problem. So I am not a total idiot. So as you can think. I guess I am kind of starving right now, but I feel so sick that I cant  eat anything. I started to feel numb, in my arms & face so I went to Subway and eat up two Schoko Cookies and a coke. Now I am feeling better. So were heading for some restaurant in a few minutes. And I have to eat something. Otherwise it will end bad. But I think I am not good company today....

Ok some positives. It is really cool here, the people are all so friendly and helpful. Funny story.I was on my way to Carrefour the local Mall to buy a Adapter and on the way some Taiwanese on a scooter stopped to help me. Because they said the mall is half an hour away(5min :), so the girl jumped off and wanted me to drive with her friend. Isn´t that  nice? But I keeped walking. I really prefer to walk. But  is guess Asians do not walk more than 10 minutes. So I am still alive and and it can only get better.


3 Kommentare:

  1. Omg, can't believe you nearly starved to death on the first days in taiwan!!!

    And I LOVE carrefour... is huge isn't it?

    dunno why I write in english anyway...


  2. I think A-mart looks better, but we also have a small Daiso Japan store.
    @starving: It was really my own fault! :( Idiot.

  3. need pics! What is an A mart? I really want to see the daiso store!!! REALLY WANT! lol
    you should keep some cash under your mattress XD
