Dienstag, 30. August 2011

Still alive...

So there happened a lot in the last two days. I guess I kind of fixed the banking problem, and the apartment problem.... and of course the sickness problem. I am fine now.
Yesterday I visited my new department. meet the chairman. They were all really nice.
Explained me the courses and so on. Showed me the Building. There is really nice students work exhibited. I get the feeling that the do like Industrial design( but they call it Material design) So I decided to take one of these courses. Though I am still not sure wether I should take the 1 grade course or the second. I have never ever done that before.
Then we decided that is is probably the best for me to take one Art studio. And there is going to be a teacher who studied in America or Australia ( I am not sure). Sounds cool.

So my courses will be.

1. Material Design
2. Art Studio
3.Design Studio
4....and probably calligraphy.
5. Mandarin course for beginners :)

So my chairman said its better to take more courses and drop them afterwards.... Guess I am gonna do that.

So this was a piece of art exhibited at my department. It looks really cool. It s made out of
tack. Millions of tacks :D Nice!

So the invited me for lunch to the teachers restaurant. What an honor!
And they informed me that I am the very FIRST exchange student ever at my department.
So there have been masters degree students from foreign countries already. But I seem to be the first exchanging one.... Pow pow

By the this is how my first Taiwanese meal looked like!
It was kind of similar to the Japanese Ramen soup. So it was soup, with cabbage, shitake mushrooms and chicken. Very tasty! But not that spicy as I expected :D

7 Kommentare:

  1. Nice to see you are still alive and well ^^ I want some ramen soup NOW as well ;-; you should take more pics/show more pics... I like them

  2. Komisch das jetzt auch englisch antwortest :) Aber mittlerweile hab ich deutsch voll verlernt :) ha ha Ja hab heute ganz viel Bilder geschossen.

  3. ich find englisch gar nich so schlecht. da muss ich nur die basics schreiben XD und nachdem ich deine posts immer auf englisch lese komme ich automatisch auch in diesen englisch-antworten-dings =D

    i like your english xd

  4. klingt wirklich gut:D
    hihi, du bist ein experimentmäuschen

  5. yeah andi show us your pix man!!! dont hesitate...feel free to share dude ^^

  6. yeah andi :) i will tomorow but im to drunk right now. so I am sorry :)

  7. I still hope that I will find someone whos gonna join me on a trip to japan. Because I actually dont want to go on my own. :( But I guess I will take like a year to visit all the spots I would like to have a look at :)
